Advanced night fighter kits (Ultra-lite)
(Panobridge dual tube adjustable field of view night vision configuration.) Less weight VS a quad tube system, option for nearly DOUBLE field of view VS traditional 40 degree monocular or dual tube night vision goggles currently available, redundancy within the system for enhanced survivability of your NV capability in the field. (Situational awareness and speed) panobridge configuration is better for quicker response time & situational awareness VS the majority of the competition, the human eyes pick up movement and it's a fact the Panobridge allows you to see a much bigger picture at once! More FoV also has the nice passive benefit of requiring the end user to scan the area less thus drawing less attention to themselves & reducing neck fatigue over time. Panobridge with standard AA packs weighs in at roughly: 22.7 ounces (or 1.419 pounds). Panobridge with the lightweight battery upgrade would be at roughly under 20 ounces or 1.188 pounds) while the RNVG is sitting at 19.577 ounces and DTNVG sitting at around 19.93 ounces for reference. Upgraded lightweight digital battery packs to increase durability and lower weight of PB config would be an additional 500 per PB package but is worth it in my opinion but does come as an optional upgrade. (Durability) Panobridge has the edge in flexibility and redundancy both vs traditional dual tube NV units. Utilizing polymer construction the PB allows some degree of flex in the Panobridge unit under strain and impact conditions giving better survivability to your night vision capability and tubes. Panobridge gives you redundancy, you could have one pod completely shot off of your helmet or damaged in explosion or other impact damage and the other pod would likely continue to function. (Utility) Can also lend off one monocular to a friend if a situation requires it, can't do that with most other nv configurations. Ability to fit into a standard cargo pocket.

NNV Advanced Hellfighter kit

Pvs14 monoculars
(The pvs14) The gold standard for warfighters for years now, provides the end user with 40 degree field of view at night. Real life superpower at your fingertips in your choice of tube flavor be it green or white phosphor Elbit or L3 for the more discerning of end user.

Example product title
Nox 18 thermal

Nox 35 thermal sight